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How Hard Is The GMAT?
By Griffin Quick Updated on January 31, 2025
John Ross, JD, CPA John Ross, JD, CPA

How Hard Is The GMAT?

When thinking about applying to business school, prospective students often ask, "just how difficult is the GMAT"

The GMAT is often touted as one of the tougher graduate entrance exams, but how hard is it really? In determining the difficulty of the GMAT, it’s important to look at all of the components of the exam, including structure, content and exam style. In this resource guide, we discuss how the GMAT is scored, what makes the exam so difficult (especially as compared to other grad school exams), and the different sections of this test.

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How Difficult Is The GMAT?

Obviously, the better you score on the GMAT, the better your chances are of getting into the MBA program you want. Before getting into the actual difficulty of this test though, it helps to know how this graduate entrance exam is scored.

This computer-based test begins with questions that are of medium difficulty. When you answer these questions correctly, you are presented with more difficult questions to further test your abilities on all three sections, except for the analytical writing assessment.

How Hard GMAT

As a result, your score on the GMAT is determined by your level of ability using an algorithm that also calculates the level of difficulty of questions you reached during the test.

When determining the GMAT difficulty, you’ll need to know the average scores, statistically speaking. The verbal and quantitative sections are scored from 60 to 90. On average, the mean score for the verbal is 28 and the quantitative is 79.

Overall, you have the potential to reach a combined score of 205 to 805, with 805 as the top score. However, the mean score is 546.

Each MBA program determines their minimum GMAT score to accept, with some flexibility. Nationally though, the top 10% of students who take the GMAT score an average of 655, with 25% scoring at approximately 605 or above.

It’s comforting to know, when wondering about the difficulty of the GMAT, that 50% of most test takers score at or around 550.

What Makes The GMAT Hard?

This is a question that varies in answer, as your ability to score well depends upon your test taking skills, your preparation and your knowledge base. For some, the unique computer format is a factor.

With the GMAT, you can bookmark and change your answers for three questions per section. Those who have scored well have found that the best strategy is to be prepared to answer difficult questions at a quick pace.


The time limit is another factor that can make the GMAT hard for some. Factoring in breaks (which are highly recommended), the exam totals roughly two hours and fifteen minutes. You are allotted the following time slots when taking this computerized exam.

  • Verbal: 45 minutes
  • Quantitative: 45 minutes
  • Data Insights: 30 minutes
  • Optional Breaks: One ten minute break

Another factor that makes the GMAT tough is how long you’ve been out of school. For many individuals, they have been out of college for years. Taking a standardized exam is something they haven’t done in a very long time, and can feel almost foreign.

But more than anything, the hardest part for most everyone is the math. Quant doesn’t come easy to all, and the GMAT places a big emphasis on it.

Background About The GMAT

Known as the Graduate Management Admission Test, the GMAT is a computer-based standardized exam with multiple choice questions that is globally required for entrance into an MBA program. Your test score from the GMAT is used, alongside academic transcripts and work experience, to determine eligibility into graduate school programs.

Similar to tests such as the GRE and the LSAT, the GMAT is designed to measure your skills and understanding of data analysis, and algebra. The test also features questions that measure critical thinking and problem solving.

Breaking Down The Different GMAT Sections

The GMAT features three sections that require test takers to apply analytic and critical thinking skills. The sections consist of:

  • Verbal
  • Quantitative
  • Data Insights

You do have some freedom when taking the GMAT, as sections can be taken in any order. In order to be prepared for this decision and gain an in-depth understanding of the GMAT, let’s look at each section.

  • Verbal: As expected, the verbal portion of the GMAT measures your understanding of written English. The test features questions on reading comprehension, and critical reasoning.
  • Quantitative: Get ready to test your understanding of basic math concepts in this section of the GMAT. The quantitative section includes both data sufficiency and problem solving questions that are focused on algebra, arithmetic and number properties.
  • Data Insights: This portion of the GMAT features two-part analysis questions and multi-source reasoning questions to test your analytical and critical thinking skills. You will also find graphics interpretation questions and table analysis questions to measure how you can interpret visuals and data.

Be Sure To Plan Ahead For The GMAT

In order to do your best on the GMAT, you’ll need to plan ahead. Most test takers prepare for at least two months before the exam and take online practice exams or complete worksheets. Others allow up to six months. Pick a timeline that best meets your circumstances.

It’s best to work on one section of the GMAT at a time, which requires reviewing basic math principles and then moving on to reading comprehension. It will also help to practice your pacing when taking practice tests for the GMAT.

Time yourself to see which principles slow you down during the test and spend more time on those concepts so you can answer quickly and advance to the more difficult questions during the test.

The bottom line is that the difficulty of the GMAT depends on your level of preparedness, so study, study, study!


How difficult is the GMAT?

The GMAT is a very tough graduate school entrance exam. Though only 2 hours and 15 minutes in length, it is no joke. It will test your quant skills, mastery of the English language, and data inference abilities.

How hard is it to get 700 on GMAT?

The short answer is fairly hard. To score a 700 or better, you’re going to need to score better than just about 9 out of every 10 candidates. In other words, you need a top 10% score, which is no easy feat given the competition.