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Best LSAT Tutors
We cover the best LSAT private tutoring options available online after trying close to a dozen tutors
If your goal is to score over 170 on the LSAT and get accepted into a top-tier law school, there’s likely no better way to prepare than with a 1-on-1 private tutoring package. But with a million tutors all claiming to be great, how do you choose? Our team has evaluated all of the major LSAT tutoring companies and ranked the best ones here.
To quickly navigate through this LSAT tutoring guide, use the jump-to links aboveto read more on each company.
Video Review: Best Online LSAT Tutoring Programs
In the video above, John from the Test Prep Insight team walks you through an overview of the best LSAT tutors and private tutoring packages on the market. For more detail on any of the tutoring services discussed in the video, be sure to keep reading below.
When we rate out and grade LSAT tutors, there are a few key factors that we look at, including price per hour, the substantive quality of the tutoring (meaning the tutor’s technical knowledge and interpersonal skills), score guarantees, and one very underrated aspect—whether any courses or study materials come bundled with the tutoring.
Those are the key criteria, and based on all of the tutoring programs we’ve looked at, Kaplan is our overall highest-rated tutoring package.
They get our #1 spot for a couple big reasons: (1) their tutors are very, very good; and (2) by including their live online class in their tutoring package, you effectively quadruple your number of live hours of instruction.
Kaplan’s instructors and tutors were the best we had
Let’s start right there with that. When you purchase a bundle of tutoring hours with Kaplan, they give you access to their live online LSAT prep course, which offers a double benefit. For one, it gives you much more live instruction for your money, as you get both the tutoring hours you’re paying for plus 32 hours of live instruction in a small class setting.
This is really nice because you get a chance to put everything you learn in the 1:1 sessions into practice in a small group setting with very little social pressure. We really like that.
However, this also has the impact of effectively lowering the price per hour of Kaplan’s tutoring. At face value, the Kaplan tutoring costs $200 per hour ($2,000 for a ten hour package).
That being said, when you factor in that they give you their live online prep course as part of that bundle (which is a $1,200 value on its own), it makes the true cost of the tutoring just $800 for 10 hours. In other words, the Kaplan tutoring true cost is $80/hour.
If you’ve done any research on LSAT tutoring costs yet, that is a very good bargain. Plus, Kaplan is really good about running deals on their tutoring packages and you can almost always snag a coupon code to knock 10% or 15% off, so do make sure to check for that.
In any event, that’s the first advantage for Kaplan—a ton of value and additional facetime with their included live online prep course.
One of Kaplan’s video lectures
Second, as noted above, there is the fact that their tutors are awesome. The vast majority of the Kaplan tutors have been tutoring for more than 10 years and they know their stuff inside and out. Not to mention, they’re great communicators.
Basically, it seems like most of them stick around with Kaplan for years because they’re very good at what they do (and Kaplan pays them handsomely for that), so there’s not too much turnover, which is great.
In sum, Kaplan gets our top grade for having great tutors, offering additional live instruction with their included live course, and possessing some pretty solid bang for your buck on an hourly basis because of that included prep course.
One of our top-rated LSAT tutoring packages is Blueprint. And they make our list for a few different reasons, the first of which is their affordable pricing.
Blueprint offers three different tutoring packages, ranging from 16 hours up to 40 hours. Broken down, the 16-hour package costs around $170 per hour, but if you opt for the larger 40-hour package, the price per hour drops to $150 per hour.
Though that may sound pricey, as you’ve probably noticed, it is actually fairly reasonable. Most other LSAT prep companies charge much more than that for tutoring. So from a price per hour perspective, Blueprint gets two big thumbs up.
Blueprint’s tutoring comes with access to their #1 rated prep course
Then, in addition to the 1-on-1 personalized instruction, students who purchase a tutoring package also get access to Blueprint’s self-paced LSAT course. This on demand course includes 65+ learning modules, over 9,000 practice questions, 70+ practice tests, analytics to help spot your weaknesses, and much more.
This is the true highlight of the Blueprint tutoring package in my opinion.
Not only is it a lot of study resources, but we also rate out the Blueprint LSAT prep course as the best in the space. So really, when you factor in all the extra study materials and resources you get, it makes the Blueprint price point truly appealing.
Finally, we need to cover the actual Blueprint tutors. And what I will say here is simple: they are awesome. They’re all 99th percentile scorers who have completed rigorous training to ensure they understand the most effective ways to help students raise their scores under the Blueprint method.
Bottom line, our team was super impressed with the Blueprint instructors. Not only are they insanely knowledgeable, but they’re also very personable. They seem to do a good job keeping things light and engaging, which really helps the material sink in.
We were really impressed with Blueprint’s tutors
Finally, before we move on, I should also mention that the Blueprint tutoring packages come with a better score guarantee. You can read all the fine print on their website, but essentially if you are eligible, you get your money back if you don’t improve your score.
This isn’t unique to Blueprint, but it is definitely a nice insurance policy for students who are maybe on the fence about going with a tutoring package.
Another tutoring company worthy of mention is Princeton Review. And the short story with Princeton Review is that they offer two different tutoring packages: a 10-hour option and and a 30-hour option.
I’ll note that both of these packages are slightly more expensive on a per hour basis than Blueprint.
But what really makes Princeton Review stand out among the others is that they offer the option of in-person tutoring.
So if you’re the type of learner who does best with in person, face-to-face interaction and instruction, as opposed to Zoom or some other form of video conferencing, then Princeton Review may be the way to go.
Princeton Review LSAT score report
Now, clearly the in person option from Princeton isn’t available everywhere in the US (sorry those of you in rural Maine), but if you do live in an area where there is a Princeton Review LSAT tutor nearby, it’s definitely a nice option as opposed to going 100% online.
Plus, perhaps most importantly, the Princeton Review tutors are rock solid. Every one of them is a top scorer themselves and has been trained 80+ hours to deliver proven strategies.
Their instructional methods are on point and most are really good communicators. In short, we were big fans of Princeton’s tutoring.
Also, like the packages from Blueprint and Kaplan, Princeton Review gives students access to its top rated prep course. Therefore, you won’t have any shortage of LSAT study materials.
Lastly, when you purchase one of the Princeton Review LSAT tutoring packages, you also get free access to LSAC’s LawHub Advantage, which is a $120 value. Other companies make students pay for this subscription separately.
Last up, we have Varsity Tutors. Now, I’ll start by saying that in our team’s experience, these more broad-based type of tutoring services (where you choose a tutor from hundreds of independent tutors listed on the site) can be a little more hit and miss than the tutors from focused test prep companies like Blueprint and Kaplan.
And that’s largely because the instructors from Varsity Tutors don’t follow a defined teaching framework. Instead, each individual tutor has their own methods of teaching to the LSAT, which may work well for you, or could be a disaster.
In some instances, you may get matched with a tutor who tries to force an instructional style on you that just doesn’t fit or perhaps isn’t sound teaching.
In contrast, the tutors from the other focused test prep companies are fully trained, and follow specific methods and strategies that have proven to be successful year after year. That’s really why our team trusts companies like Blueprint and Princeton Review a little more than websites like Varsity Tutors.
With that said, the per hour rates you can get with Varsity Tutors can be significantly lower than what you’ll find with the other companies I’ve already talked about.
In fact, you can find tutors through Varsity Tutors for as low as $60/hour. You never know, you might be able to find a gem of a tutor for a fraction of the cost.
Plus, you can often find an LSAT tutor in your area if you prefer in-person instruction. So there are some serious pros with Varsity Tutors.
Our team highly recommends going through a trusted test prep company to find an LSAT tutor.
Often times, when people try to save money and hire an LSAT tutor from Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, it ends in disappointment. And that’s because one-off local tutors don’t follow a proven curriculum or study plan. All they do is teach simple tricks they read in random LSAT books.
Tutors from trusted LSAT companies like Kaplan or Princeton Review, on the other hand, undergo hours and hours of training before they meet with their first student. And this training is based off curriculum and teaching methods that these prep companies have fine tuned based on years of experience.
In other words, you get what you pay for. If you are serious about scoring high on the LSAT, don’t cheap out and hire a local tutor who doesn’t know what he or she is doing. Instead, pay a little extra for an LSAT tutor that has actually been trained.
Who are the best LSAT tutors near me?
Given the advances with live online tutoring via video conferencing, the best LSAT tutors don’t even need to be near you any more. Read our comprehensive guide for ratings of the best LSAT tutors online.
How much does an LSAT tutor cost?
The cost of LSAT tutoring ranges widely in price, from as low as $60 per hour all the way up to $250+ per hour.
Is an online LSAT tutor worth it?
In our team’s collective opinion, given technological advancements with e-learning, using an online LSAT tutor is just as effective as using as in-person tutor.