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Mosalingua vs Babbel
Detailed comparison of the language learning apps Babbel and Mosalingua
If you have decided you want to learn a new language and conduced a little bit of research, chances are you’ve run across Babbel and Mosalingua. After all, they are two of the most popular language learning apps on the market. In this article, we stack Babbel and Mosalingua up side-by-side so you can quickly determine which one is the better fit for your situation.
To kick this comparison off, let’s discuss the major advantages of using Babbel to learn a new language rather than Mosalingua.
Structured Lesson Progression
The first advantage in favor of Babbel is that they offer users a clear and structured learning path, whereas Mosalingua does not. Really when you break it down, Mosalingua is simply a flashcard app with a few extra add-on features and bonus materials.
Babbel, however, employs a conventional language learning approach, akin to Pimsleur and Duolingo, offering a well-defined path.
A look inside the Babbel program
In my opinion, a structured curriculum proves advantageous for two reasons. Firstly, it facilitates systematic progression, which prevents you from feeling overwhelmed. Secondly, it establishes clear objectives and goals for each lesson, ensuring both consistency and motivation as you strive towards these targets.
Therefore, if you value guidance and structure, Babbel’s organized courses are likely preferable to Mosalingua’s more laissez-faire approach to learning.
Fun, Diverse Lessons
Next, I prefer Babbel’s lesson format over Mosalingua’s because I find it more diverse, engaging, and comprehensive.
The core Mosalingua lessons are really just different variations of flashcards, whereas the Babbel lessons do a great job of incorporating both expressive and receptive language skills, including speaking, writing, listening, and reading.
The Babbel lessons are fun and easy
Additionally, Babbel’s lessons are enjoyable and fast-paced, incorporating a variety of drills and exercises such as fill-in-the-blanks, matching pairs, pronunciation practice, matching pictures to phrases, conjugating verbs, and quick grammar tips. This diversity keeps the learning process satisfying and dynamic, making the lessons fly by.
Again, since the Moslingua lessons are flashcard-based, they can become boring at times.
Engaging Grammar Instruction
I appreciate how Babbel seamlessly incorporates grammar content and exercises into its lessons. Plus, what sets Babbel apart is its approach to grammar instruction—it’s not dense or boring. Instead, Babbel integrates grammar into lessons in a subtle yet effective manner (similar to Lingopie).
For instance, a grammar exercise might include a brief one- to two-sentence explanation in English about possessive adjectives, followed by a fill-in-the-blank drill to reinforce the concept. This approach ensures that grammar is taught in a way that’s digestible and not overwhelming, especially for beginners.
Babbel offers insightful grammar explanations
Now to be fair, Mosalingua offers grammar instruction as well. However, their grammar instruction is not integrated into their standard lessons. Instead, the Mosalingua grammar lessons are more so treated as a side resource. Plus, they are more so text-based, meaning they are not as interactive or engaging as Babbel’s grammar lessons.
Speech Recognition Software
Another advantage of Babbel is its speech recognition technology. During verbal practice exercises, Babbel’s software immediately assesses your pronunciation and prompts you to repeat words, phrases, and sentences if you mispronounce them.
In comparison, Mosalingua offers a recording feature for playback of your pronunciation, but it lacks direct feedback. You’re left to compare your pronunciation against the example from the fluent speaker.
Babbel’s speech software is quick and accurate
Therefore, it’s noteworthy that Babbel provides immediate and accurate feedback on your verbal practice exercises and pronunciation, which is a significant benefit.
Awesome Digital Platform
I was also impressed by Babbel’s digital platform and interface, which is consistent across both desktop and their mobile app. It’s a polished and professional interface that meets modern expectations.
The platform is fast, with a logical layout that makes it super easy to navigate. I had no complaints whatsoever. One feature I particularly appreciate is the calendar tool included in Babbel. You can set how many lessons you’d like to complete per week and then track your progress, which helps keep you organized.
Additionally, being able to see your achievements is a great way to stay motivated. It’s a nice, underrated addition to the entire Babbel program.
For the record, I’m not a big fan of the Mosalingua digital platform. I found it to be a little slow and clunky. At the end of day, it’s just not as quick and easy-to-navigate as Babbel’s.
Now that we’ve discussed Babbel, let’s turn the tables and discuss the major reasons to consider using Mosalingua to learn Italian, French, or any other language.
Mosalingua Is More Affordable
The Babbel subscriptions plans range from $8 to $15 per month, depending on the length of time you commit to (1-month, 3-months, 6-months, etc).
Mosalingua offers two different premium plans. You can pay month-by-month, which costs $10, or you can sign-up for an annual plan that costs around $60, or $5 per month.
Therefore, by opting to go with Mosalingua, you’ll likely save anywhere from $3 to $5 per month. When looking at the big picture though, both companies are quite affordable. For example, the Pimsleur plans start at around $20 per month.
Great App For Learning New Vocabulary
There’s no question that Mosalingua is an excellent app for learning new vocabulary. In fact, this is really what the app is all about. Not only does the company offer different variations of flashcards to introduce you to new words and phrases, but their spaced repetition system is highly effective.
Example flashcard from Mosalingua
The company optimizes the timing of review sessions based on each user’s performance, ensuring that words are revisited at the ideal intervals for long-term retention. This approach enhances memory consolidation and prevents forgetting, leading to more efficient learning.
Relevant Topics
Another benefit of using Mosalingua is that the company allows you to really zero in on topics that you actually find interesting or useful. In other words, when you enter the flashcard section of the app, it’s not just a random set of words or phrases that the company chooses for you.
You are in the driver’s seat and get to choose what you want to learn. For example, you can focus on vocabulary related to food, hobbies, weather, etc. Then digging deeper, within the food category, for example, you can focus on subcategories such as meat, fruit, condiments, etc.
Example topics from Mosalingua
In my opinion, this makes the learning experience more relevant and engaging. By selecting topics of interest, users are more likely to stay motivated and committed to learning. Additionally, learning vocabulary related to specific topics can be more practical and applicable to real-life situations.
Hands-Free Mode
The last advantage in favor of Mosalingua is the fact they offer a hands-free learning mode, which is something not available with Babbel.
Mosalingua’s hands-free learning mode is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows users to practice vocabulary and phrases in situations where manual interaction with a device is impractical, such as while driving, exercising, or doing chores around the house. This enables learners to make the most of their time and turn everyday activities into valuable learning opportunities.
Listen to flashcards on-the-go
Additionally, the hands-free mode promotes a more immersive learning experience by focusing the learner’s attention on auditory input, which can aid in improving pronunciation and listening skills.
After testing each language app, in my opinion, Babbel is the clear winner.
Sure, there are definitely some benefits of using Mosalingua. For example, I particularly appreciate that you can select the exact topics and categories that you want to focus on, however, at its core, Mosalingua is really just a flashcard app with a few bells and whistles.
Babbel, on the other hand, is a much more comprehensive and engaging language app that offers a structured lesson plan, integrated grammar instruction, and top-notch speech recogition technology. Not to mention, I like the Babbel digital platform and user interface a lot more than Mosalingua’s too.
Therefore, I’d say if you’re serious about learning a new language, there’s no question Babbel is the superior choice.
The key difference between Babbel and Mosalingua lies in their approach to learning. Babbel offers a structured lesson plan with a focus on grammar and verbal practice, while Mosalingua emphasizes vocabulary acquisition through spaced repetition and allows users to choose their own topics for learning.
What language learning app is better - Mosalingua or Babbel?
In my opinion, Babbel is better than Mosalingua for learning a new language due to its structured lesson plans, streamlined grammar explanations, and diverse practice exercises. Additionally, Babbel’s focus on practical language skills and its interactive nature make it particularly effective for beginners looking to build a solid foundation in a new language.