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7Sage vs Blueprint LSAT

Our side-by-side comparison of the Blueprint and 7Sage LSAT prep courses

As you gear up to start studying for the LSAT, the hardest decision is often which prep course to go with. For many students, this comes down to a choice between Blueprint and 7Sage, two top-rated LSAT courses. And it’s not an easy decision by any means. In this detailed, side-by-side comparison, we take a close look at how these two courses differ, our thoughts on their features, and ultimately, which one is better.

  • Price
  • Video Instruction
  • Live Class Hours
  • Practice Questions
  • Practice Tests
  • Books
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Blueprint LSAT Live Online Deal: 10% OFF Student Discount
    Deal: 10% OFF Student Discount
    Claim Offer
    • $1,299
    • 60+ Modules
    • 30
    • 7,000+
    • 55+
    • Hardcopy & Digital
  • 7Sage LSAT Free Trial Check Current Offers
    Free Trial Check Current Offers
    Learn More
    • $69-$299/mo
    • 50+ Hours
    • Optional Workshops
    • 9,000+
    • 90+
    • None

Outline: Blueprint vs 7Sage

As this is a long and robust comparison, we’ve included helpful jump-to links above for easy navigation.

Blueprint LSAT Live Online

Blueprint LSAT Prep

  • Three Course Options
  • Score Increase Guarantee
  • Three Course Options
  • Score Increase Guarantee
Our Score


  • star
  • star
  • star
  • star
  • star
  • Insanely good video lessons that blow 7Sage's out of the water
  • Engaging and dynamic learning modules that spoon feed you prep material
  • Rock solid curriculum with a smart structure that builds up to toughest concepts
  • Custom schedule tool tells you exactly what to study and when
  • Live classes with top-notch LSAT instructors
  • Blueprint is much pricier than 7Sage
  • Wish content access period was longer
Blueprint LSAT Live Online
Deal: 10% OFF Student Discount

Why Blueprint LSAT Is Better Than 7Sage

To give you the most helpful analysis of these two LSAT prep courses, we think it is best to see a head-to-head evaluation of the key features of each course. Here is our breakdown of the areas/categories where each company wins, first starting with Blueprint.

Quality of Curriculum & Coursework

Both 7Sage and Blueprint each provide solid, respectable LSAT curriculums. However, at the end of the day, our team believes Blueprint provides the more robust and better overall set of coursework.

While these two course curriculums feel very similar on many levels, with a bunch of overlap in content coverage and test taking strategies, it is ultimately Blueprint that gets the nod.

Blueprint LSAT video lesson
Led by first-rate video lessons, Blueprint has the better LSAT curriculum

Not only does our team prefer the structure of their course (finding 7Sage’s suggested study schedule to be a little helter skelter), but we also think Blueprint goes deeper.

While 7Sage provides more in-depth video explanations of individual problems (a big focus for them), there is no doubt the core curriculum and lessons from Blueprint go farther.

Video Lessons

While our team generally loves 7Sage’s individual problem explanation videos, Blueprint has the superior video lessons overall.

And it’s not even close. I mean, this is generally what Blueprint is known forultra-engaging, high production quality videos. You can see the difference between the two types here.

Blueprint videos:

Blueprint lsat video lecture

7Sage videos:

7Sage LSAT video lessons

You get the picture. While we loved the quantity of short videos from 7Sage, as well as their laser focus on explaining individual practice problems through video, Blueprint simply provides more engaging and informative video lessons.

LSAT Prep Books

This might be the easiest category to call. And that’s because Blueprint provides prep books, while 7Sage doesn’t. 7Sage does provide some really helpful written lessons, but their nothing like Blueprint’s LSAT prep books, which you get in hardcopy form.

This is generally a big deal for those students like myself who like to follow along in a textbook, taking notes in the margins, highlighting key points, and circling need-to-know info.

And on top of that, we loved the quality of the Blueprint books, finding them to rock solid in terms of content, structure and choice of sample problems.

Live LSAT Classes

If you’re looking for live classes, the decision here is somewhat tough. Though 7Sage clearly wins on price when it comes to live classes, Blueprint provides superior class sessions. It’s that simple. Do you want a cheaper price tag or higher quality classes?

Generally speaking, if you’re the type of student that needs the accountability and commitment of live LSAT classes, Blueprint’s regular schedule and deeper classes will offer more for you.

Featuring some rock star instructors, we found them to be a highlight of the Blueprint LSAT course (they are just as good, if not better, than the classes from Kaplan and Princeton Review).

Digital Platform & User Experience

Blueprint by a mile. When you compare these two digital platforms side-by-side, it’s like comparing Gmail to AOL Mail (if that’s even still a thing). One’s super clean and modern and intuitive, and the other is, well, not.

blueprint lsat problem explanation
Blueprint LSAT problem explanation

Blueprint’s user interface is extremely easy on the eyes and modern, while 7Sage’s site just feels like it needs an update.

Extra Resources

Blueprint provides a boatload of extras with their course, which isn’t totally surprising given the price disparity. Among these nice supplemental resources, our clear favorite was the near-daily live office hours.

These 2-hour sessions led by a rotating team of Blueprint instructors take a deep dive into a certain advanced LSAT topic and really get into the weeds. We loved these sessions and found them to be a major help for weak areas.

That said, we did like 7Sage’s flashcards and detailed analytics, but it just isn’t enough to overcome everything Blueprint has to offer (Kaplan offers decent LSAT resources as well).

Score Guarantees

When evaluating LSAT courses, we always look to see whether prep providers back up their materials with a higher score guarantee, as we feel it’s a reflection of their confidence in their own course. Not to mention it’s a great insurance policy for students.

Well, Blueprint provides a higher score guarantee and 7Sage does not. Pretty open and shut (Magoosh offers a nice LSAT score guarantee too).

We’d like to see 7Sage match Blueprint’s guarantee here, especially given that both companies claim that their students see solid point increases, but we can’t rate these courses based on what we wish they had.

7Sage LSAT

7Sage LSAT Prep

  • Free Trial
  • Monthly Subscription
  • Free Trial
  • Monthly Subscription
Our Score


  • star
  • star
  • star
  • star
  • star
  • Much less expensive than Blueprint
  • Solid practice problem explanations
  • Custom problem set generator for quick study sessions
  • Video lessons pale in comparison to Blueprint's videos
  • Curriculum doesn't feel as well developed or robust as Blueprint's
  • Must purchase LSAC LawHub bundle separately (extra $120)
7Sage LSAT
Free Trial Check Current Offers

Reasons To Choose 7Sage Over Blueprint

Now that you have a good idea of what Blueprint has to offer, let’s turn the tables and discuss the advantages of using 7Sage for your LSAT prep needs.

7Sage Is More Affordable

This category is a slam dunk win for 7Sage. There is simply no arguing that they provide the more affordable package. 7Sage’s base offering, the Core monthly subscription, costs just $69/month.

This is in comparison to Blueprint’s price tag of $99/month for their self-paced course.

Similarly, 7Sage’s Live course subscription costs just $129 per month, while Blueprint’s live class course costs roughly $1,299. So not really close at all. But I would note a couple things here.

For one, Blueprint seems to be much more aggressive in their discounting, with deals typically running a couple times a month for a few hundred dollars off. Plus, these courses are not completely apples-to-apples, as I’ve already described thus far.

Practice Materials

Both companies provide the exact same practice materials – official LSAT questions and practice tests licensed from LSAC, the makers of the exam. There is not a darn bit of difference between the practice work provided by each company.

So where things are differentiated is the accompanying problem explanations, and here, 7Sage gets the oh-so-close nod.

7Sage LSAT practice
7Sage’s custom practice question set generator

While both companies provide rock solid video and text explanations of (almost) each practice question, we just found 7Sage’s videos to go a little further.

That said, the quality of their videos is pretty weak. Rather than having an instructor onscreen, you get a slideshow-style video with voiceover and stylus markup. It’s old school, but works. And you can’t deny the quality of the content. 7Sage by a hair.

Content Access Period

This category is decided by simple numbers. For Blueprint, you get 4 months of access to their live classes.

By comparison, 7Sage provides monthly, pay-as-you-go plans (similar to LSAT Demon). So sort of tough to judge directly, but given the price tradeoff, 7Sage is cheaper for the same amount of time.

Blueprint LSAT Live Online
Deal: 10% OFF Student Discount

Verdict: Blueprint or 7Sage For LSAT Prep?

At the end of the day, there is a reason why Blueprint costs more than 7Sage. Blueprint simply offers the better all-around LSAT prep course, with a deeper curriculum and higher quality set of video-based lessons. And this isn’t a case of “it must be better because it costs more” thinking.

On almost every front, our team has Blueprint rating out higher – depth of curriculum, quality of video lessons, prep books, live classes, communication of test taking strategies, and more.

7Sage gets high marks for its individual problem explanation videos and high-value price point, but it’s just not enough to sway our opinion in their favor. Blueprint is simply too strong, and we find them to the more effective overall LSAT prep course.

👉 Read Next: Best LSAT Prep Courses Rankings


Which LSAT prep course is better, 7Sage or Blueprint?

After a full review of the 7Sage and Blueprint LSAT courses, our team finds Blueprint to be the better overall LSAT course. 7Sage gets high marks for value pricing and solid video-based problem explanations, but Blueprint provides the better overall LSAT curriculum and more effective bundle of study resources.

What’s the difference between 7Sage and Blueprint LSAT?

The biggest difference between 7Sage and Blueprint is the style of their prep course offerings. 7Sage is a low-price, 100% online course, while Blueprint provides a more robust bundle of resources with live classes, hardcopy prep books and video lessons, but at a slightly higher price tag.

Do both Blueprint and 7Sage have score increase guarantees?

Blueprint offers a money-back, score increase guarantee, while 7Sage does not provide a higher score guarantee of any type.