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INBDE Booster Review
A full review of the INBDE Booster course after evaluating this prep program
INBDE Booster is one of the most popular study resources on the market for prepping for the INBDE. However, before you invest your time and money into this course, you likely want to know whether it’s worth it. In this guide, I’ll break down how this prep program works, note the different features that it’s built on, discuss its price as compared to other INBDE prep tools, and of course, give you my thoughts on whether I think it’s the real deal.
To help make navigating this detailed review a little easier, we have included jump-to links above.
In early 2025, our team had a chance to reevaluate a number of INBDE prep products and study materials to see how they stack up against one another. Below you’ll find our updated opinions regarding the prep course from INBDE Booster.
How The INBDE Booster Program Works
I think the best place to start this review is by simply breaking down how the INBDE Booster course works. This will help to provide a foundation of understanding before launching into the strengths and weaknesses of this course.
All of the study material in the INBDE Booster course is generally broken out by topic. There are seven primary testable subjects, and the course content is all bucketed into these groups. This means there are modules for the following:
Ethics & Behavior
Patient Management
Diagnosis & Disorders
Fields of Dentistry
Within each of these buckets there is some combination of study tools. These tools can include question banks, study notes, video lessons, cheat sheets, and flashcards. Each topic-based module contains some combination of those tools.
A daily warmup question
For example, under the Anatomy category, there are question banks, on-demand video lectures, study notes, and some flashcards. That’s a pretty typical example. Moreover, the materials themselves are just what they sound like.
The question banks are practice problem sets with accompanying solutions in text and video format.
The video lessons are on demand video lectures that you can stream.
The study notes are detailed PDFs of everything you need to know for a given topic.
The cheat sheets are quick-hit one pagers.
The flashcards are comprised of anki decks.
Plus, Booster also kicks in some case-based scenarios, one full-length mock exam, a detailed study guide (which holds everything together), and some cool game-like features with achievements and prizes. Those games have been a nice addition that increase engagement.
Without the study guide, the course would feel a little disjointed because materials are just bucketed by topic; however, the 8-week study schedule they give you guides you through all of the study material in a very sequenced and particular order.
INBDE Booster has realistic practice questions
Stepping back, to put things in context, you follow their study schedule and work your way through all of the content in the course. I would venture that an average study day can take anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours depending on what’s on the schedule, as well as how fast you’re studying.
As such, do make sure to check ahead at the end of each day to see what you have coming up for the following day, as it does vary. Otherwise, that’s about it for a big picture overview. You take it day-by-day and work your way through all of the materials in the program.
INBDE Booster Price
Before we jump into discussing the strengths and weaknesses of this program, let’s quickly cover the price of INBDE Booster.
INBDE Booster has two premium membership offerings. The first, with 90 days of access, costs $279 and gets you all of Booster’s study tools and materials. The other option offers 180 days of access and costs $349.
INBDE Booster problem solution
Putting that in context, INBDE Booster is more affordable than most other prep options on the market, including INBDE Bootcamp. I would just note though that our team ranks INBDE Bootcamp ahead of INBDE Booster.
Having covered how the INBDE Booster course works and how it compares with other companies from a pricing perspective, let’s get down to the important stuff. I want to outline a few things I really like about INBDE Booster, as well as a couple things I also don’t care for. I’ll start with the positives.
Practice Work That Mimics The Real Exam
The first highlight of this program is the practice work. In short, we think Booster offers realistic INBDE practice material. In terms of mimicking exam style, question length, content, and difficulty, they’ve done a solid job.
Specifically, there are a few points I’d like to make. The Booster case-based scenarios are particularly helpful for prepping. The full-length mock exam is a perfect capstone to the course right before test day. And finally, most of the problems come with awesome two- to three-minute explainer videos.
INBDE Booster practice test
These videos are way better than reading some lengthy text solution and they offer useful, little digestible insights. Basically, we were big fans of these videos.
Given how important practicing under exam-like conditions is for INBDE prep, this is a big plus for Booster.
I should mention here though that INBDE Bootcamp offers extremely insightful practice problems explanations as well.
Superb Written Study Materials
The study notes and cheat sheets from Booster are great, especially all of the visual elements that they layer into them.
The images and graphics are great for demonstrating key points, and the notes find a nice balance of detail and conciseness.
Booster’s study notes are a highlight
When you combine the detailed study notes with the higher-level cheat sheets and flashcards, it’s a powerful combo for distilling down and memorizing key content.
For comparison purposes though, our team actually prefers the cheat sheets from INBDE Bootcamp.
Slick Features & Interface
Next, I think Booster has done a nice job by adding in a couple of cool features: their marking system and performance analytics.
On the first point, Booster allows you to essentially bookmark problems as you go, and then review them under a tab from the dashboard. This is great for working on your weaknesses and we really liked this little feature.
INBDE Booster’s sleek new dashboard
Then second, Booster has some great performance analyticsand insights based on question bank performance. We found this feature really useful as well. These are two small but powerful functions.
Plus, I have to mention that wrapped around the whole program, Booster has recently updated their website and user interface and it is awesome. With an ultra-sleek dark-themed interface and cool features like games and achievements, we were super impressed with the user experience.
The company also offers a mobile app so you can study on-the-go.
Value Price Point
Finally, the value price point has to get some attention. I don’t care to harp on this as it is discussed more fully above, but at $279, I think Booster is a bargain.
INBDE Booster Weaknesses
Moving over to the negatives of this prep course, there are two things specifically that I would like to note.
Left Wanting More Video Lessons
First, I wish that INBDE Booster would add some more video lessons to their library. Basically, the video lectures they do have are great, but there just aren’t that many of them.
They have great production value, the instructors are engaging, and the content is on point. And from what I understand, they are releasing more all the time, but they honestly can’t do it fast enough. For visual learners, I have a feeling you will be left wanting more.
INBDE Booster video lecture
As such, I just wish they’d speed things up and drop a whole bunch of these videos.
If you are a visual learner, I would recommend checking out INBDE Bootcamp. I think their series of video lessons are superb.
No Printed Materials
My second complaint is that there aren’t any hardcopy prep books, study notes or cheat sheets with this course. In other words, there is nothing in print form.
With this program, everything is digital and accessible through the online portal, which is perfectly fine, but I do think there is an advantage to having printed materials.
You can highlight key points, make notes in the margins, drop in post-it notes, and pace around the house spinning through flashcards.
Plus, given how good Booster’s study notes and cheat sheets are, this could be a big value add. I just wish they would include print versions of these written materials. I think it would be a lot more practical than looking at digital PDFs.
Final Thoughts: Is INBDE Booster Good?
All in all, I think INBDE Booster offers a solid prep package. The practice work is realistic of what you’ll see on test day. The study notes are thorough and have great visuals. The study schedule gives you a ton of guidance on what to study and when. Plus, the price point is attractive.
Now with all of that said, I do have a few complaints about this course, and ultimately, our team ranks INBDE Bootcamp ahead of Booster. If you serious about your INBDE prep, and you want the best course possible, check out INBDE Bootcamp.
How are the INBDE Booster notes, cheat sheets, and anki decks?
Personally, I think the INBDE Booster written study materials are solid. Their study notes are detailed, and the cheat sheets were helpful for studying during the last week or two before the exam, though we like Bootcamp’s written study materials a little better.
Is INBDE Booster worth it?
In my opinion, INBDE Booster offers a strong prep package at an affordable price point. Their written study materials, video lessons and practice problems are solid. With that said, our team does rate other INBDE prep courses (Bootcamp) ahead of Booster.
How much does INBDE Booster cost?
The INBDE Booster premium membership costs $279 and includes access to their study materials for 90 days (they also have a 180-day version for $349).