The Test Prep Insight expert network is an accomplished group of professionals dedicated to the educational betterment of our readers. They help ensure the content we publish is comprehensive and based in the most current education and learning development best practices. We draw on the knowledge and experience of highly-skilled experts from a variety of backgrounds, including teachers, professors, lawyers, learning & development professionals, linguists, and PhDs. Each member of our network was chosen for their informed perspective on education and their understanding of its importance in our lives.
Meet Our Experts
Rick Lopez, M.Ed.
Summer Holloway, DMD
John Ross, JD, CPA
Craig Stoltenburg, CFA, CFP
Nadine Crow, PE
Peter Bailey, MD
Alaina Ross, RN
Thomas Mühlbacher
Scott Furbershaw, CPA
Our publication process for e-learning content includes close review by an authority in the field related to the subject of each article. Many of our experts have themselves contributed to white papers, published books, or made media appearances to discuss education-related issues. We cite the experts who examine our content by name, and provide links to their profiles, which include biographies, education and professional experience, and photos.
We at Test Prep Insight strive to produce the best and most informative content available. Thank you for letting us be a partner in your educational journey.